GNOME 3.20 Released With Various Refinements And Application Updates ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog

After the usual 6-month development period, GNOME 3.20 was released today and it includes changes such as updated Software app, which can now handle operating system upgrades, image editing capabilities for the Photos app, a new shortcuts window which displays the available keyboard shortcuts in most GNOME apps, and more. Source: GNOME 3.20 Released With …

Install gnome-boxes on Solus 1.1 shannon

If you install gnom-boxes libvirt will only allow root by default.   to allow regular users you need to create the libvirt group and allow access to the libvirt daemon.   # Install boxes root@zenbook /home/user # eopkg install gnome-boxes # Enable the libvirt service root@zenbook /home/user # systemctl enable libvirtd.service # Add libvirt group …

Installing Google Chrome in Solus

Chrome isn’t packaged in the repos but can get installed manually in a one-liner. sudo eopkg bi –ignore-safety && sudo eopkg it google-chrome-*.eopkg && sudo rm google-chrome-*.eopkg Source: Chrome – Solus